Deploy to multiple servers using load balancer

Akshay H

I have multiple tomcat servers behind the load balancer, how i can get to know to which server the app has been deployed and how to deploy to multiple servers at a time?

Kevin Lu-MSFT

In Release Pipeline, there are two methods to deploy to multiple servers.

Method 1. As matt said, you could create a Deployment Group first. Then you could create targets for each tomcat server.

You could use the following settings in Release Pipeline to deploy to multiple servers at a time :

  1. Add deployment group job in Relase Pipeline.

  2. Select Deployment Group and set the Targets to deploy to in parallel.

enter image description here

When you run the Release, you can check the deployment of the app on each server.

Method2: you could create an agent pool and self-hosted agents for each tomcat server.

You could use the following settings in Release Pipeline deploy to multiple servers at a time:

  1. Select the Agent Job.

  2. Choose the custom agent pool and set the Multi-agent number.

enter image description here

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