Call a parent component function from a child component


Fairly new to React. I have a lottery wheel as part of a hobby project website: The Wheel object was downloaded with npm:

npm install lottery-wheel
import Wheel from 'lotter-wheel'
class Lottery extends Component {
   constructor() {
     bla bla 
  componentDidMount() {
     new Wheel( {
        el: document.querySelector("#wheel"),
            onSuccess(data) {
              alert(`Congratulations, you picked up ${data.text}`)
              /* I want to pass the data here to Parent */ 
            onButtonHover(anime, button) {
                  targets: button,
                  scale: 1.3,
                  perspective: 80,
                  duration: 400

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="wheel"></div>

SO, In the callback-function 'onSuccess' I want to pass the 'data' from the Wheel child component to the 'Lottery' parent component.

How can I do this? I know how props work but not in this case.. Can I use a hook, in that case, how? I want avoid downloading and going into 'Wheel' definition since it was not created by me.

Drew Reese

Define a function and set as the onSuccess callback in the Wheel.

class Lottery extends Component {
  successHandler = data => {
    alert(`Congratulations, you picked up ${data.text}`);

  componentDidMount() {
    new Wheel({
      el: document.querySelector("#wheel"),
      data: [{
        text: 'apple',
        chance: 20
      }, {
        text: 'banana'
      }, {
        text: 'orange'
      }, {
        text: 'peach'
      onSuccess: this.successHandler,
      onButtonHover(anime, button) {
          targets: button,
          scale: 1.3,
          perspective: 80,
          duration: 400

  render() {
    return <div id="wheel"></div>;

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