Create Subfolders using Powershell


Ok, looking for some assistance with Powershell. I need to create a subfolder with the same name in about 200 folders in a directory. So far I have this:

$folder = NewFolderName
new-item -type directory -path \\servername\directory\directory\$folder -Force

Will this work to create the single folder in all 200 folders?


Try the following code snippet:

$parent = '\\servername\directory'
$folder = 'NewFolderName'
Get-ChildItem -Path $parent -Directory |
    ForEach-Object {
        New-Item -WhatIf -Type Directory -Path (
            Join-Path -Path $_.FullName -ChildPath $folder) -Force

Remove the risk mitigation parameter -WhatIf no sooner than debugged…

Collected from the Internet

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