Bad state: field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform. Giving this error but don't know where the error is

Aliah Gapor

Hi this is my code but it gives me this error: Bad state: field does not exist within the DocumentSnapshotPlatform. im not sure where is the error.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class OrderSuccessful extends StatefulWidget {
  _OrderSuccessfulState createState() => _OrderSuccessfulState();

  class _OrderSuccessfulState extends State<OrderSuccessful>{
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Order Successful")),
      resizeToAvoidBottomInset: true,

      body: StreamBuilder(
        stream: FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('personalinfo').snapshots(),
        builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot){
        if (!snapshot.hasData){
          return Text("no value");
        return ListView(
            return Text(document['personalinfo']);
Moaz El-sawaf

You are trying to access a field named personalinfo from the documents inside the collection in the named personalinfo but unfortunlly this field doesn't exist.

So make sure that all the documents inside the personalinfo collection contains a key named personalinfo or just add a condition to check its existence before using it such as: document.contains('personalinfo').

The line you are using to access the field is:

return Text(document['personalinfo']);

Collected from the Internet

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