Count the number of columns that has a true value then divide it to the total number of columns


Lets assume that the table below is called Table

    ID    Col1    Col2    Col3    Col4  ...  Total
    1      1       0      NULL     1          30.33
    2      0       1       1       1          60.12
    3      1       1       0       0          20.12
    4      1       0       1       1          60.12
    5      0      NULL    NULL     1          10.19
    6      1       1      NULL     1          90.00   
    7      0       0      NULL     0          0.00

I wanted to count and get the average number of columns that has a "true" in it. And display the total average of it in the Total Columns. For example there are 10 columns and 5 columns are true so I divide it and got 50% in total. Assuming that all of the columns that I will counting are bit and has a value of null,0 and 1. How do I achieve this one?

Tim Biegeleisen

You could use:

    100.0*(COALESCE(Col1, 0) + COALESCE(Col2, 0) + ... + COALESCE(Col10, 0)) / 10 AS pct
FROM yourTable;

Collected from the Internet

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