How do you specify a module variable as a part of dummy argument declaration inside an interface block?


I have a subroutine sub_x defined as

subroutine sub_x(n, a)
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  use mod_a, only : m
  implicit none
  integer(c_long), intent(in) :: n
  real(c_double), intent(in) :: a(1:m)
  rest of the codes

That is, sub_x depends on a module variable m as an extent of its array argument. Now, in a separate file, the interface block of sub_x goes as follows

module mod_x
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     subroutine sub_x(n, a)
       import :: c_long, c_double, m
       integer(c_long), intent(in) :: n
       real(c_double), intent(in) :: a(1:m)
  end interface
end module mod_x

And any procedure calling sub_x will have a use mod_x statement. When trying to compile the file containing module mod_x, file_x.f90 with ifort -c file_x.f90 I got error saying "IMPORT-name must be the name of an entity in the host scoping unit. [m]" showing that the compiler was not able to resolve m. It may be able to resolve c_long and c_double because of the presence of use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding in mod_x definition, but I may be wrong. Adding use mod_a, only : m in mod_x definition may solve the issue, but that means mod_x will depend on mod_a and I try to avoid dependency between modules.

One way that seems to work is to move the interface block to a plain text file, say interface_x.f90, and add an include "interface_x.f90" line in any procedure calling sub_x. But I try to avoid using this method because I have tens of external subroutines and it's better to have the interfaces of all of them in a single file. If I were to use this, just about any procedure having an include "interface_x.f90" will have to have use mod_a, only : m even though it doesn't need m. What's the solution?


It is not necessary to use an import statement to make an entity accessible in an interface block. It is one way, and in some cases the only way. This is not one of those cases.

The import statement controls accessibility of entities from the host scope of a scoping block (such as an interface block). In the (simplified) case of the question

module mod_x
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
     subroutine sub_x()
       import :: c_long
  end interface
end module mod_x

the import statement makes the entity c_long from the module scope accessible in the interface specification of sub_x. That entity is itself available in the module scope because it is use associated from the module iso_c_binding.

Exactly the same entity is made accessible in the interface specification by

module mod_x
     subroutine sub_x()
       use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_long
  end interface
end module mod_x

This is much as in the actual subroutine specification of sub_x. m can be made accessible in the same way:

module mod_x
     subroutine sub_x(n, a)
       use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_long, c_double
       use mod_a, only : m
       integer(c_long), intent(in) :: n
       real(c_double), intent(in) :: a(1:m)
  end interface
end module mod_x

(Or equivalently by combining an import with use mod_a in the module scope.)

Note that this is a module dependency whichever way you write it: mod_x depends on mod_a because the interface specified in mod_x has a characteristic determined by an entity in mod_a.

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