When are host keys for the server generated


I am writing a hardening script to be run by kickstart during the post-installation phase. One of the requirements is to change the permissions on /etc/ssh/ssh_host*key files. My problem is that those keys are not generated when the script is run. I have two questions:

  1. When are those keys generated during the installation process?

  2. Will I break anything if I generate them with my script?

Romeo Ninov

AFAIK the keys are generated during first start of the server (after install).

About generate new one: yes, there is no problem as far as they are described (with filenames) in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. And you restart sshd after generation. But if you have already some host/user which get the server public key (before new generation) this may lead to errors in ssh sessions.

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