ASP.Net Identity with IdentityServer fails to get User in controller context


I followed the documentation here and was able to get my controllers working with the [Authorize] header. I am using IdentityServer with ASP.NET Identity as my user store.

In my ConfigureServices I have:

services.AddIdentity<KipUser, IdentityRole>()

In my Configure I have:


And in my controller I have done a few tests:

public IEnumerable<MyDTO> GetData(int count = 3) {
     var test = User; // The User.Identity.Name is empty for some reason
     var id = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; // Successfully gets the Guid
     var test2 = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); // result is null
     var test3 = _userManager.GetUserId(User); //returns null
     var test4 = _userManager.FindByIdAsync(id); // Successfully gets the User from the DB

It seems there is a misconfiguration because the UserManager fails to get the ASP.Net Identity from the ClaimsPrincipal User variable. Am I assuming too much that the .AddEntityFrameworkStores<KipDbContext>() would configure the application to know how to _userManager.GetUserAsync(User) instead of me needing to search for the claim myself with this _userManager.FindByIdAsync(User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value) ?


The main reason I asked this question is because I saw lots of information about this for IdentityServer 2 and 3 that seemed related. I couldn't get those fixes to work in my IdentityServer 4 project so I thought it was a different issue. It is the same issue. As @Tore pointed out, it's an issue with the claims, but I assumed that this would be taken care of with app.UseIdentityServer();

This describes the issue clearly:

UseIdentity and UserManager disagree on where the user ID claim is stored

Even though we are calling app.UseIdentityServer(); it seems there are some default mappings put in by Microsoft that need to be cleared out.

Per that issue, adding JwtSecurityTokenHandler.DefaultInboundClaimTypeMap.Clear(); in the Startup.cs Configure function before app.UseIdentityServer(); fixed the problem for me. I can now see the claims are unchanged in the controller, and both _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); and _userManager.GetUserId(User); work as expected.

Surprisingly, this function call is not included in the IdentityServerAspNetIdentity sample project.

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