How to convert Object to array of object

shahaparan sujon

Here is My input Object.

let data = {

I am trying convert array of objects by this code

let res = Object.entries(data).map(( [k, v] ) => ({ [k]: v }));

But I didn't get my expected value :

My expected result should be like this:

let result = [
    date: '01-02-20',
    item: [{ id: 1 }],
    date: '23-02-20',
    item: [{ id: 1 }],

How can I get my expected result?

ibrahim mahrir

You are using the date as key and the value as value in the resulting objects. Instead you should be using two key-value pairs, one for date using the key as value and one for item using the value as value, like so:

let res = Object.entries(data).map(( [k, v] ) => ({ date: k, item : v }));

More concise using shorthand property names:

let res = Object.entries(data).map(( [date, item] ) => ({ date, item }));


let data = {
  "01-02-20": [{ id:1 }],
  "23-02-20": [{ id:1 }]

let res = Object.entries(data).map(( [date, item] ) => ({ date, item }));


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