How to have AJAX error direct to Developer Exception Page in ASP.NET Core MVC?


Let's say I have an ajax function and an exception is thrown in the SomeAction action:

function CallAjaxFunction() {
        url: '/Home/SomeAction',
        success: function (response) {
            //do something
        error: function (response) {
            //redirect to Developer Exception Page to show detailed error

I know that I can redirect to an error page with window.location = "/Home/Error";, but how would I redirect the browser to the Developer Exception Page to show the more detailed information?

I may be misunderstanding something fundamental here (which is a big reason why I'm asking this question), so I'd appreciate any clarification of concepts.

That page usually looks something like this: enter image description here

Fei Han

how would I redirect the browser to the Developer Exception Page to show the more detailed information?

From this doc about "Handle errors in ASP.NET Core", you would find:

Enable the Developer Exception Page only when the app is running in the Development environment. You don't want to share detailed exception information publicly when the app runs in production.

Normally, for better user experience, we do not display error page to client user directly.

If you really want to show browser user the Developer Exception Page while ajax request failed with some error, you can refer to the following sample.

    url: '/Home/MyTestAction',
    dataType: "html",
    success: function (response) {
        //do something
    error: function (response) {

Code of MyTestAction

public IActionResult MyTestAction()
    return Ok("success");

Test Result

If above error callback function executed, the content with detailed error message as below will be displayed in page

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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