Can I post a .json file on github using python requests?


So, here goes the line I'm trying to use:

 r='', auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass'), data='data.json')

The server returns a 403 code, even if I put the credentials correctly. Now I want to know if I'm doing it the wrong way or if github doesn't allow me to do it.

Bertrand Martel

You can use Github create repo content API for creating a file on your repository via the API :

PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path

You would need to create a personal access token first. For example :

import requests 
import base64

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"

repo = 'bertrandmartel/test-repo'
path = 'data.json'

data = open("data.json", "r").read()

r = requests.put(
    headers = {
        'Authorization': f'Token {token}'
    json = {
        "message": "add new file",
        "content": base64.b64encode(data.encode()).decode(),
        "branch": "master"

You can also use PyGithub library :

from github import Github

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"

repo = "bertrandmartel/test-repo"
path = "data.json"

# if using username and password
#g = Github("user", "password")

g = Github(token)

data = open("data.json", "r").read()

repo = g.get_repo(repo)
    path = path, 
    message = "add new file", 
    content = data, 
    branch = "master"

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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