how can I reuse the function to update different parts of the state of a React component?

class App extends Component {      
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
  Foo: [],
  Bar: []
this.xfetch('Alice',  this.state.Foo);    

xfetch = (param, target)=> {
   const res = getRes(param);//db request async
   //onCompleted: () => { 
   this.setState(({ target}) => {
      const newArr = [, res ];

      return {
        target: newArr

addBar = input => {
this.xfetch(input,  this.state.Bar);


the code above doesn't work, and I don't want to write multiple versions of xfetch() for different parts of the state

*first part of the state I want to set in the constructor

Red Baron

from what it sounds like, you are wanting to update state dynamically?

try this:

xfetch = async (param, target) => {
   const res = await getRes(param)
   this.setState({ [target]: [, res ] })

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