How can I add a secret in GitHub Actions using my terminal?

Meir Gabay

I know I can add secrets using the GUI. I also know it's possible to use the new GitHub Actions Secrets API

What I need is a simple way to add, update, delete and list secrets in my GitHub repository, using my terminal only. By using a CLI, it will ease my day-to-day work, and also allow me to rotate secrets in my GitHub Actions CI/CD processes.

Is there a CLI or anything like that?

Meir Gabay

I've created a simple CLI that can help you achieve that -

This CLI is based on the official GitHub Actions Secrets API

Install with pip

$ pip install githubsecrets
$ ghs --help

Or use with Docker; you must supply all arguments, prompts are not available in Docker mode

macOS and Linux

$ docker run -v $HOME:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


$ docker run --rm -v c:/Temp:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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