Firestore queried Document output 'undefined' and after few moments shows the correct data that is stored in Firestore in Node.js

Adithya Shetty

I have a simple query function which has the Firestore query inside a for loop to query all the documents inside my js file and whenever I run it on the terminal the first line of the output is undefined and then the actual expected output gets displayed.

sidenote: I have only three documents in firestore and each with a unique id as id_1, id_2 and id_3

here's the code:

      firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig); //firebaseConfig is a variable that hold the configuration details

        //Query Funtion
        function queryFirestore() {

            var database = firebase.firestore();

            for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
                let id = database.collection("sampleCollection").doc(`id_${i}`);

                let getData = id.get().then(doc => {
                    if (!doc.exists) {
                        console.log("[!] Doc does not exists");
                    else {
                        var data =;
                        console.log(data['delayed']); //delayed is a boolean field in the Firestore Document

                }).catch(err => {
                    console.log("[:(] Error: ", err);




Adithya Shetty

The error was due to I was calling the function inside a console.log which was causing the undefined to come as the output.

Collected from the Internet

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