How to get the value from the URL GET parameters in react native webview?

Shady Hakim

I have this response

webViewState Object {
  "canGoBack": true,
  "canGoForward": false,
  "loading": false,
  "navigationType": "other",
  "target": 65507,
  "title": "السداد بواسطة PayPal - راجع مدفوعاتك",
  "url": "",

How can i access paymentId and PayerID parameters from the URL??

I tried this line but it returns undefined for both const { PayerID, paymentId } = webViewState.url;

Any help please?


After getting your data you can do this:

var regexp = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g,params = {},check;
while (check = regexp.exec(webViewState.url)) {
  params[check[1]] = check[2];

params will give you a object like this

Object {
  "PayerID": "BLG98CXTZAX8S",
  "paymentId": "PAYID-L2ILTHQ83R55588UV606981X",
  "token": "EC-5EB6693455269621L",

Hope this helps!

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