How do I change color's hue, saturation, or value in Flutter?


Suppose I have a Color object in Flutter that I want to change its Hue or Saturation or Lightness or Brightness, how do I do that?


Tomas Baran

You can use these helper methods to change it. Just replace

  • newHueValue: with any double btw 0 and 360
  • newSaturationValue: with any double btw 0 and 1
  • newLightnessValue: with any double btw 0 and 1
Color changeColorHue(Color color) => HSLColor.fromColor(color).withHue(newHueValue).toColor();

Color changeColorSaturation(Color color) => HSLColor.fromColor(color).withSaturation(newSaturationValue).toColor();

Color changeColorLightness(Color color) => HSLColor.fromColor(color).withLightness(newLightnessValue).toColor();

Similarly you can use: HSVColor for HSV (hue, saturation, value).


Collected from the Internet

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