Function which returns a TABLE after splitting a string


I want to create function which returns a table with two columns extracted from an input string.

As an input, the function gets a string like:

'@Name=John;@Secondname=Kowalsky;@[email protected];'

The function is supposed to create from this string two columns - x, y.

X for @value and Y for value after =.

I created this:

Create FUNCTION TwoColumnsFromString (
    @ReplaceString varchar(max)
Returns @temptable TABLE (x varchar(max), y varchar(max))
    DECLARE @value1 varchar(max) 
    WHILE (LEN(@value1)) > 0
        SELECT  @value1 = (Select @ReplaceString)
        INSERT INTO @temptable (x,y)
        VALUES ((SUBSTRING(@ReplaceString, CHARINDEX('@', @ReplaceString), CHARINDEX('=',@ReplaceString) -CHARINDEX('@',@ReplaceString))),
            (SUBSTRING(@ReplaceString, CHARINDEX('=', @ReplaceString)+1, CHARINDEX(';',@ReplaceString) -CHARINDEX('=',@ReplaceString)-1)))

        SET @value1 = REPLACE(@value1, SUBSTRING(@value1, 1, CHARINDEX(';', @value1)), '')

FROM TwoColumnsFromString('@Name=John;@Secondname=Kowalsky;@[email protected];')

But that returns an empty table. What am I doing wrong here?

Dale K

You lost all your good work from your previous question :)

  1. You should assign @value1 its starting value outside your loop
  2. Your insert computations should now reference @value1

Your function body should be

      -- Set starting value outside the loop
      DECLARE @value1 VARCHAR(max) = @ReplaceString;

      WHILE (LEN(@value1)) > 0
          -- We are now using @value1 not @ReplaceString
          INSERT INTO @temptable (x,y)
          VALUES ((SUBSTRING(@value1, CHARINDEX('@', @value1), CHARINDEX('=',@value1) -CHARINDEX('@',@value1))),
                  (SUBSTRING(@value1, CHARINDEX('=', @value1)+1, CHARINDEX(';',@value1) -CHARINDEX('=',@value1)-1)));

          SET @value1 = REPLACE(@value1, SUBSTRING(@value1, 1, CHARINDEX(';', @value1)), '');

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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