Using enable_if, in class template method, to check if two function arguments arguments are both std::array or both std::vector


I am not a professional coder and I apologise if my question seams naive or malformed.

I am trying to have a class member function take std::array or std::vector in the arguments. Specifically I am passing two arguments that should either both be std::array or both be std::vector.

BEFORE trying to make the above work, a minimum set up of what I had was working only with std::vector arguments. a minimum set up is as follows, where v and p are the ones I desire to have passed as vectors or arrays:

// original version

class my_class_A{
// stuf

class my_class_B{
// other stuf

class I_am_a_class_of_methods{
  inline void my_method(const std::vector<my_class_A> &v,
                        const std::vector<std::array<uint64_t,2> > &p,
                        const my_class_B &x,
                        my_class_B &y){
    // `v` and `p` are used to modify `x` and store the result in `y`

I understand I could do what I want with function overloading, however, I decided I wanted to achieve the desired result with templates and std::enable_if, to force me to learn a bit more about them. Well I did learn a lot I didn't know... but not enough it seams. I have basically tried setting up a trait is_both_array_or_vector, and std::enable_if will check to see if the template call matches the trait. The final thing I tried is the following, which did compile, but it will only work for std::vector:

// current version

class my_class_A{
// stuf

class my_class_B{
// other stuf

// set up a type trait to check if both are vector or both are array
template <typename T1, typename T2>                                                                                                                                                                         
struct is_both_array_or_vector{                                                                                                                                                                             
  enum { value = false };                                                                                                                                                                                   

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename A1, typename A2 >                                                                                                                                              
struct is_both_array_or_vector<std::vector<T1, A1>, std::vector<T2, A2> > {                                                                                                                                 
  enum { value = true };                                                                                                                                                                                    

template <typename T1, typename T2, size_t D>                                                                                                                                                               
struct is_both_array_or_vector<std::array<T1, D>, std::array<T2, D> > {                                                                                                                                     
  enum { value = true };                                                                                                                                                                                    

// conditionally compile with enable_if
class I_am_a_class_of_methods{
  template<template<typename,typename> U, template<typename,typename> S,
           typename Au, typename As> 
  typename std::enable_if<is_both_array_or_vector<U<my_class_A, Au>, S<std::array<uint64_t,2>,As> >::value >::type
  my_method(const U<my_class_A, Au> &v,
            const S<std::array<uint64_t,2>, As> &p,
            const my_class_B &x,
            my_class_B &y){
    // `v` and `p` are used to modify `x` and store the result in `y`

When I compile with std::vector call from main everything works fine. This (of course) doesn't compile with std::array call (compiler of course complains).

If only I could make template arguments As and Au be able to be interpreted as size_t, then the template would find a match with an std::array call. This doesn't seam possible however, since I can have either typename or size_t, not both as far as I know. Thus my question is, how would I get enable_if to work in this circumstance?


Update: As Javier said, you can keep a private function template that will handle the general case, and overload two methods for the types you want and pass them to that template.

class I_am_a_class_of_methods {
  template <typename C1, typename C2>
  void my_method_priv(const C1& v, const C2& p, const my_class_B& x, my_class_B& y) {
    // ...

  void my_method(const std::vector<my_class_A>& v,
                 const std::vector<array<uint64_t, 2>>& p,
                 const my_class_B& x,
                 my_class_B& y)
  { my_method_priv(v, p, x, y); }

  template <size_t N1, size_t N2>
  void my_method(const std::array<my_class_A, N1>& v,
                 const std::array<std::array<uint64_t, 2>, N2>& p,
                 const my_class_B& x,
                 my_class_B& y)
  { my_method_priv(v, p, x, y); }

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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