Create a matrix with another matrix in R


So, I have a dataset (usage) that is like the following, in R:

Item    Bike    Usage
item1   bike1   1
item2   bike1   2
item1   bike2   1
item3   bike2   2

And I wanted to convert on a matrix with the usage. I created a matrix where my header is the bikes (bike 1, bike2), and the row names is (item 1, item 2, item 3), and filled with NA and now I want to fill it the usage, such as:

bike1  bike2
item 1 1      1
item 2 1      0
item 3 0      1

I created the following loop:

for (i in 1:nrow(usage)) {



But I get this error:

Error in `[<-`(`*tmp*`, item, bike, value = list(Usage = 6)) : 
  invalid subscript type 'list'

Maybe you can try xtabs if you need table

res_tb <- xtabs(Usage~.,df)

such that

> res_tb
Item    bike1 bike2
  item1     1     1
  item2     2     0
  item3     0     2


df <- structure(list(Item = c("item1", "item2", "item1", "item3"), 
    Bike = c("bike1", "bike1", "bike2", "bike2"), Usage = c(1L, 
    2L, 1L, 2L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L

Collected from the Internet

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