React - Material UI: How to remove scrollbar from table


I've built a simple table with react and material UI with these instructions:

It works fine but the scrollbar bothers me. enter image description here

Is there an option to let the scrollbar start at the red arrow? Or remove it entirely?

Thank you in advance


    <TableContainer component={Paper} style={{maxHeight: 350}}>
    <Table className={styles.table} size="small" stickyHeader>
        <TableRow >
          <TableCell className={styles.header}>
            <Checkbox checked={allSelected} onClick={handleSelectAll} color="primary"/>
          <TableCell className={styles.header} align="left">Name</TableCell>
          {props.showAdmin && <TableCell className={styles.header}>Admin</TableCell>}
        { => (
          <TableRow key={}>
              <Checkbox checked={isSelected(} onClick={() =>handleSelect(} className={styles.checkBox} color="primary"/>
            <TableCell component="th" scope="row" style={{paddingRight: 30}}>{}</TableCell>
            {props.showAdmin && <TableCell align="center"><Checkbox disabled checked={empl.isAdmin} className={styles.checkBox}/></TableCell>}


  table: {
   maxWidth: 350,
   maxHeight: 300
  header: {
   backgroundColor: '#123456',
   color: '#ffffff',
   fontSize: 18
 checkBox: {
   paddingTop: 1,
   paddingBottom: 1,

If you remove the maxHeight style for TableContainer, the scroll would disappear.

<TableContainer component={Paper} style={{ maxHeight: 350 }}>


<TableContainer component={Paper}>


If you want to scroll from below header, simply add the related CSS to material-ui component Table and TableBody would be fine.

table: {
  display: "block",
  maxWidth: 350,
body: {
  display: "block",
  overflow: "auto",
  height: "300px"


Try it online:

Edit eager-rubin-oq5fh

enter image description here

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