How can I avoid repetitive commands, such as cd in a target rule?

Robber Pen

In my makefile I have many cd $(d) commands, one for each simple command of a target. Is there any way to reduce the number of cd $(d) commands?

    cd $(d); command1
    cd $(d); command2
    cd $(d); command3
    cd $(d); command4
    cd $(d); command5

Use a shell script that CDs to $d first as make's ${SHELL}.

.PHONY: all
all: SHELL := ./cd-to-d

We use target specific variables so as not to disturb other commands in the makefile.

It gets a bit messy if we add the rule to create cd-to-d though.

cd-to-d: SHELL := ${SHELL}
    echo '#!/bin/bash' >$@-tmp
    echo 'cd "$d"' >>$@-tmp
    echo 'exec "$$@"' >>$@-tmp
    chmod a+x $@-tmp
    mv $@-tmp $@

.PHONY: all
all: SHELL := ./cd-to-d
all: cd-to-d

Why all the $@-tmp noise? If we get an error while creating cd-to-d, we don't want to leave an old one lying around. You could use .DELETE_ON_ERROR: instead (I always do).

Why the SHELL := ${SHELL} noise? When make builds cd-to-d as a dependency of all, it will inherit all's target specific defines. We need to cancel those concerned with changing the recipe shell.


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