How Can I delete the last row from the table in a form with out other rows with inserted data?


I'm new in this forum. I've got a problem. When I delete the last row from the table, the other rows with inserted data are deleted too.

Here's the code you've got to see with observations:

      const selector = formValueSelector('bill'); //initializating a selector. bill is the name of 
                                                   // the form.

Then just below that code line:

                      const selector = formValueSelector('bill');

I've got a class component called Detail:

             class Detail extends Component{

                    //In the FOLLOWING LINES I'm changing props of calculated subtotal called as 
             componentDidUpdate(prevProps, index) {
                   if (this.props.isSubtotal !== prevProps.isSubtotal) {
                     //bill is the name of the form. Changing subtotal detail with dynamic index.
                      //this.props.index is the dynamic index and this.props.isSubtotal is calculated 
                change('bill', `detail[${this.props.index}].subtotal`, this.props.isSubtotal)

                         //HERE I'm rendering Detail's component


                           const{detailItem,index,fields,isSubtotal} = this.props;


                             <tr key={index}>

                                component= {UtilityQuantity}
                                placeholder= '...quantity'
                                // label = "Quantity" 

                                   component= {UtilityCode}
                                   placeholder='...Product's code'
                                   //label = "Product's code" 

                                        component= {UtilityName}
                                        placeholder='...product's name'
                                        // label = "Product's name" 

                                  component= {UtilityPrice}
                                  placeholder= '...Price'
                                  // label = "Product's price" 

                                   component= {UtilitySubtotal}
                                   placeholder= '...subtotal'
                                   // label = "Subtotal" 


Here's RenderDetail who contains DetailComponent when iterating it:

                      const RenderDetail = ({fields, meta: { error,submitFailed}}) => {


                                    <b> Detail: </b>
                               {/*When Clicking on Add Detail Add each row to the table "detail"*/}
                              <button type="button" className= 'btn btn-primary' onClick={() => 
                            fields.push()}>Add Detail</button>
                           {submitFailed && error && <span>{error}</span>}
                               <div className='table-responsive'>
                              <table className='table table-striped table-sm'>
                               {/*Here I'm declaring the columns of the table*/}
                                       <th>Product's code</th>
                                       <th>Product's name</th>
                                       <th>Product's price</th>

                   {/*HERE inside tbody tag I'm getting fields from every detail item*/}

                           {, index) =>

                           {/*Detail is the class Component*/}
                  <Detail detailItem={registerDetail} fields={fields} index={index} key={index} />


                              {error && <dt className="error">{error}</dt>} 

                             <button className='btn btn-light mr-2'
                                title="Remove Detail"

                                 onClick={() =>{

                         //THIS FOLLOWING line I'm assign the index from last row to selectedIndex

                             let selectedIndex = fields.length - 1;

                              //HERE IS THE KEY LINE you must pay attention

                                 fields && fields.remove(selectedIndex);


                               Delete Detail




Here I'm initializating my detail component using redux form:


                       Detail = reduxForm({

                        form: 'bill',

Here I'm connecting Detail Component and binding reducers and actions. In theory, the table form should be saved in state.

                             Detail = connect((state,props,fields) =>{

                               const quantity = selector(state,`${props.detailItem}.quantity`);

                                const price = selector(state,`${props.detailItem}.product.price`);


                                  isSubtotal: quantity * price


I will explain you how does it work the table. When I'm clicking on add detail, I add a row. e.g I added 5 rows.

      And e.g I insert 10 in quantity and 20 in price on first row and I've got 200 in subtotal field. Subtotal is not editable. It's calculated.

         Now, in second row I insert 10 in quantity and 10 in price and I've got 100 in subtotal. The other rows are empty. The data form should be like this:

                                row 1 : {quantity: 10, product: {code: 13321, name: "product 1", 
                                       price: 20}, subtotal: 200},

                                row 2 : {quantity: 10, product: {code: 12222, name: "product 2", 
                                            price: 10}, subtotal: 100}

                                row 3 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

                                row 4 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

                                row 5 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

 the expected behavior is When I'm deleting last row, row 5 in this case, the data I'm showing on screen should be like this:

                                row 1 : {quantity: 10, product: {code: 13321, name: "product 1", 
                                       price: 20}, subtotal: 200},

                                row 2 : {quantity: 10, product: {code: 12222, name: "product 2", 
                                            price: 10}, subtotal: 100}

                                row 3 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

                                row 4 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

But real output is when I deleted the last row. In this case, row 5, row 1 and row 2 are deleted too. And I've got next one output:

                                 row 3 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

                                row 4 : {quantity: null, product: {code: null, name: null, 
                                                    price: null}, subtotal: null}

I am not only deleting the last row of the table but also the rows with the values ​​that I inserted are also deleted.

Can someone come up with a solution to this problem?

How can I solve this issue?

Mr Khan

Its a bit hard understanding your code. A better way to show your working would be for quick understanding. Anyhow, i think you should use split instead to remove the targeted array with index.

field.splice(selectedIndex, 1);

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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