mongodb isValid function returns true for invalid ObjectIDs


so I have to check if a given input is a valid ObjectID and if that returns true I want to transform the value to a ObjectID. Unfortunately the validation returns true for "zzzzzzzzzzzz" and throws an exception while transforming the value.

I get the following error

Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters

I tried to reproduce the problem:

const { ObjectID } = require("mongodb");

const value = "zzzzzzzzzzzz";
const isValid = ObjectID.isValid(value);

if (!isValid) { // this is true
  throw new Error("invalid ID");

ObjectID.createFromHexString(value); // throws exception

So why does the validation return true then? How can I fix that? My real project is a NestJs application so it would be nice to cast a value of type any to a typesafe ObjectID.


So why does the validation return true then?

Because the code. Line 338

Basically any valid input to the ObjectID constructor will return true with ObjectID.isValid()

Hence, for your case ObjectID.isValid("zzzzzzzzzzzz") is true because new ObjectID("zzzzzzzzzzzz") is a valid operation.

More from an old documentation of node-mongodb-native driver

how about this:

const { ObjectID } = require("mongodb");
function isValidObjectID(id) {
    return false
  return true

isValid: ${isValidObjectID("zzzzzzzzzzzz")}`) // false

isValid: ${isValidObjectID("5beec2f547643846af1d4dc3")}`) // true

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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