github: how to reference an issue in a commit from a different repository?


I have two repositories:

  • Repository A
  • Repository B

I also have a project:

  • Project X

This Project X has Repository A and Repository B as linked repositories.

In Repository A I created several issues:

  • Issue 1
  • Issue 2
  • Issue 3

All these issues are appearing on the kanban board of Project X. When I now do a commit on Repository B:

closes #1

The commit wont get linked to the Issue 1 of Repository A. Can I configure the project in a way that I can create such references from commits from different Repositories? Or do I use this wrong?


#1 refers to issue 1 in this repo.

repoA#1 refers to issue 1 in repoA. You would use this.

org/repoA#1 refers to issue 1 in org's repoA.

See Mastering Markdown.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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