Setting default locale for Tomcat Service in Windows XP

kazanaki :

I have installed Apache Tomcat 6 as a Service in a Windows XP computer (French)

My problem is that Tomcat itself and all webapps (Sonar and Hudson) now show french messages. I want English messages of course so I went to the "Regional Settings" window in Control panel and changed everything to English (US)

Tomcat however is still in French. Nothing changed at all.

I suspect that because it runs as a service it does not pick the settings from control panel.

So is there any way to trick the Tomcat JVM so that it uses English instead of French? I have sys admin access to the machine (XP PRO French)

Thank you

Brian Agnew :

You need to set user.language and user.region appropriately,


java -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=CA

in your Tomcat startup (probably catalina.bat). Check this link for more info, and for references to the sets of valid ISO codes for the above.

Collected from the Internet

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