Converting string of 0 and 1 characters to hexadecimal string

rohith p

I am converting all binary numbers stored in a file to hexadecimal. The file is parsed through command line argument, but to convert it to hexadecimal I want it to be converted to an integer, i.e. literal integer of the string received and atoi() doesn't seem to work.


int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
    FILE *fp,*op;
    fp = fopen(argv[1],"r");
    op= fopen(argv[2],"w+");
    if( fp == NULL) 
       perror("An error has occurred\n");

    char buff[1026];
    unsigned char hexstr[1024];
    unsigned long int hexnum,hexint;
    unsigned char four[4];
    int i, j,len;
    while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp))
        printf("\nString value = %s", buff);

    return 0;

input file contains:


output file should contain:


The atoi function expects the input text to be in decimal format, but you're feeding it binary. Also, you're using the %d format specifier to print, which output decimal format.

You need to use the strtoul function for the conversion instead and specify base 2 for the input. Then for the output, use the %x format specifier to print in hex.

while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp))
{      printf("\nString value = %s", buff);
       hexint=strtoul(buff, NULL, 2);

If you want the number of digits printed to vary based on the length of the input text, you can specify a field width of * and pass the number of digits as an extra parameter, and also add the 0 flag to pad on the left with zeros.

Since you have the binary string, and there are 4 binary digits to 1 hex digits, divide the length of the binary string by 4 and round up to get the number of digits:

       hexint=strtoul(buff, NULL, 2);
       int bindigits = strlen(buff);
       int hexdigits = (bindigits % 4 == 0) ? bindigits / 4 : bindigits / 4 + 1;
       printf("%0*lx", hexdigits, hexint);

Collected from the Internet

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