How can I make a data frame of the unique values in an existing column?


I need to make a new data frame (col.3) using only the occurrences in a previous column (col.1) that correspond to unique values in another column (col.2) in an existing data frame.

I need this:

col.1   col.2     
    1    1             
    1    3             
    1    7             
    1    7            
    2    12                
    2    14   
    2    14
    2    14


I have tried this:

new.col <- cbind(df$col.1[unique(df$col.2)])

But it gives me a column that is both too long, and which does not include the complete set of col.1 values

I suspect that plyr has a simple solution to this, but I have not figured that (or any other solution) out.

How can I achieve my desired result? Preferably using plyr, but base is fine too.


We can use duplicated to create a logical index and use that to subset the rows

df2 <- data.frame(col3. = df$col.1[!duplicated(df$col.2)])

Or with subset

subset(df, !duplicated(col.2), select = col.1)

Or with dplyr, usedistinct on col.2 and then select the 'col.1'

df %>%
   distinct(col.2, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
   select(col.3 = col.1)
#  col.3
#1     1
#2     1
#3     1
#4     2
#5     2

If the duplicates are considered based on the equality between adjacent elements, then use rleid

df %>% 
    filter(!duplicated(rleid(col.2))) %>% 
    select(col.3 = col.1)

If we convert to data.table, the unique also have a by option

unique(setDT(df), by = 'col.2')[, .(col.3 = col.1)]


df <- structure(list(col.1 = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L), col.2 = c(1L, 
3L, 7L, 7L, 12L, 14L, 14L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

Collected from the Internet

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