received this error "Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop."


Im new in reactjs I am receiving this error: "Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop." and I am not sure how to solved it.

const MAPBOX_TOKEN = ''; ///add token here

export default function MapHooks(){
    const [mapping, setMapping] = useState({
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        longitude: -122.45,
        latitude: 37.78,
        zoom: 14

    function _onViewportChange(mapping){

    function _goToNYC() {
        const viewport = {
            longitude: 101.7412,
            latitude: 3.1549,
            zoom: 14,
            transitionDuration: 5000,
            transitionInterpolator: new FlyToInterpolator(),
            transitionEasing: d3.easeCubic


    return (
            <button onClick={_goToNYC()}>New York City</button>

Please help, thank you :)


You shouldn't be executing the function when assigning it to the onClick, you should just be passing it in like so:

<button onClick={_goToNYC}>New York City</button>

If you actually call it when you assign it, then the function will execute. In that execution you call setMapping(...), which will trigger a re-render. Which will then cause that function to be executed again when the button renders, and so on -> infinite loop

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