How to share environment variables in parallel Bitbucket pipeline steps?


So, I am using Bitbucket pipelines to deploy my application. The app consists of two components: 1 and 2. They are deployed in two parallel steps in the Bitbucket pipeline:

      - parallel:
        - step:
            name: Deploying 1
            image: google/cloud-sdk:latest
              - SERVICE_ENV=test
              - GCLOUD_PROJECT="some-project"
              - MEMORY_LIMIT="256Mi"
              - ./
        - step:
            name: Deploying 2
            image: google/cloud-sdk:latest
              - SERVICE_ENV=test
              - GCLOUD_PROJECT="some-project"
              - MEMORY_LIMIT="256Mi"
              - ./

The environment variables SERVICE_ENV, GCLOUD_PROJECT and MEMORY_LIMIT are always the same for deployments 1 and 2.

Is there any way to define these variables once for both parallel steps?

Alexander Zhukov

You can use User-defined variables in Pipelines. For example, you can configure your SERVICE_ENV, GCLOUD_PROJECT and MEMORY_LIMIT as a Repository variables and they will be available to all steps in your pipeline.

Collected from the Internet

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