Finding a value between other values in a Pandas Dataframe for specific columns


I'm trying to find a way to merge two dataframes. Each data frame uses two columns to create a unique identifier. In the master data frame the data is assigned for a given range of values, in the category data frame the data is assigned for a single value. What I'd like to do is get the type value from the master data frame for each entry in the category data frame.

It's hard to explain so here's a simple example:

master = {'ID1':['a','a','b','b','b','b','b','c','c'],
category = {'ID1':['a','a','b','b','c','c'],
df = pd.DataFrame(master, columns = ['ID1', 'ID2', 'RangeTop','RangeBot','Type'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(category, columns = ['ID1', 'ID2', 'Value'])
df['Unique'] = df['ID1']+df['ID2']
df2['Unique'] = df2['ID1']+df2['ID2']
print(df, '\n', df2)

The output looks like this:

   ID1 ID2  RangeTop  RangeBot Type Unique
0   a   d         0         4    z     ad
1   a   d         4        13    y     ad
2   b   d         0         3    x     bd
3   b   d         3        10    w     bd
4   b   d        10        21    v     bd
5   b   e         0         5    u     be
6   b   e         5        11    t     be
7   c   d         0         8    s     cd
8   c   e         0        15    r     ce 
   ID1 ID2  Value Unique
0   a   d      3     ad
1   a   d      8     ad
2   b   d     11     bd
3   b   e      7     be
4   c   d      6     cd
5   c   e     13     ce

I made up the Unique column because I thought maybe I could use the between method or the where method to find where the value is between RangeTop and RangeBot for certain Unique identifiers but it didn't work. What I want it to look like is:

   ID1 ID2  Value Unique Type
0   a   d      3     ad   z
1   a   d      8     ad   y
2   b   d     11     bd   v
3   b   e      7     be   t
4   c   d      6     cd   s
5   c   e     13     ce   r

Because df has complete and non-overlapping ranges you can do this with pd.merge_asof to match exactly on ID then to get the value between the ranges. We'll need an additional < check after the merge to NaN any "Value"s in df2 that are above the highest bin edge in df. (direction='backward' ensures "Value"s below the lowest bin edge are NaN by default).

df2 = pd.merge_asof(df2.sort_values('Value'),      # Requires sorting
                    df.sort_values('RangeTop'),    # Requires sorting
                    by=['ID1', 'ID2'],             # Exact matching on
                    direction='backward',          # Requires Value >= RangeTop
                    allow_exact_matches=True       # [RangeTop, RangeBot) closure

# This enforces Value < RangeBot.
df2['Type'] = df2['Type'].where(df2['Value'].lt(df2['RangeBot']))
# No longer need these cols
df2 = df2.drop(columns=['RangeTop', 'RangeBot'])

# Note row order has changed due to `sort`ing

  ID1 ID2  Value Type
0   a   d      3    z
1   c   d      6    s
2   b   e      7    t
3   a   d      8    y
4   b   d     11    v
5   c   e     13    r

Collected from the Internet

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