Extract country name from text in column to create another column


I have tried different combinations to extract the country names from a column and create a new column with solely the countries. I can do it for selected rows i.e. df.address[9998] but not for the whole column.

import pycountry
Cntr = []
for country in pycountry.countries:
    for country.name in df.address:

Any ideas what is going wrong here?


address is an object in the df and

df.address[:10] looks like this

0    Turin, Italy        
1    NaN                 
2    Zurich, Switzerland 
3    NaN                 
4    Glyfada, Greece     
5    Frosinone, Italy    
6    Dublin, Ireland     
7    NaN                 
8    Turin, Italy        
1    NaN                 
2    Zurich, Switzerland 
3    NaN                 
4    Glyfada, Greece     
5    Frosinone, Italy    
6    Dublin, Ireland     
7    NaN                 
8   ...                  
9    Kristiansand, Norway
Name: address, Length: 10, dtype: object

Based on Petar's response when I run individual queries I get the country correctly, but when I try to create a column with all the countries (or ranges like df.address[:5] I get an empty Cntr)

    import pycountry
    Cntr = []
    for country in pycountry.countries:
        if country.name in df['address'][1]:

and df.address[2] returns [ ] 

I have also run df['address'] = df['address'].astype('str')

to make sure that there are no floats or int in the column.


Sample dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({'address': ['Turin, Italy', np.nan, 'Zurich, Switzerland', np.nan, 'Glyfada, greece']})

df[['city', 'country']] = df['address'].str.split(',', expand=True, n=2)

               address     city       country
0         Turin, Italy    Turin         Italy
1                  NaN      NaN           NaN
2  Zurich, Switzerland   Zurich   Switzerland
3                  NaN      NaN           NaN
4      Glyfada, greece  Glyfada        greece

Collected from the Internet

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