How do I print all elements in set?


I have trouble printing out elements in set.

std::set<triple, Compare> edges;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (std::list<std::pair<int, int>>::iterator j = graph[i].begin(); j != graph[i].end(); j++)
                edges.insert(makeTriple((*j).second, i, (*j).first));

        for (std::set<triple, Compare>::iterator j = edges.begin(); j != edges.end(); j++)
            printf("%d and %d\n\n", (*j).first + 1, (*j).second + 1);

Only 7 elements are printed of of 13. Compare function looks like:

bool operator()(const triple &a, const triple &b) const
        if (a.distance == b.distance && a.first == b.first)
            return (a.second < b.second);
        if (a.distance == b.distance && a.second == b.second)
            return (a.first < b.first);
        return (a.distance < b.distance);
Ted Lyngmo

Your Compare function does not fulfill the requirement

The return value of the function call operation applied to an object of a type satisfying Compare, when contextually converted to bool, yields true if the first argument of the call appears before the second in the strict weak ordering relation induced by this type, and false otherwise.

The most obvious fix would be:

bool operator()(const triple &a, const triple &b) const {
    if (a.distance == b.distance) {
        if(a.first == b.first)  return a.second < b.second;
        else                    return a.first < b.first;
    } else                      return a.distance < b.distance;

This can however be done simpler with std::tie from <tuple>:

bool operator()(const triple &a, const triple &b) const {
        std::tie(a.distance, a.first, a.second) < std::tie(b.distance, b.first, b.second);


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