How to find a particular class object from a List of Object in Spring boot Dependency Injection

Subhendu Mondal :

I am creating a Plugin system, where the plugin will be fetched from DB, my Implementation is like below

A base Plugin Interface

public interface Plugin{

In plugin package load all the plugin where inner package name will be plugin name and a class with plugin name

package <>.plugin.Myplugin

import ....

class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
   somemethod() {}

I am loading all the implemented class of Plugin interface in dependency injection

public class MyCon {

   private List<Plugin> plugins

   public MyCon(List<Plugin> plugins) {
        this.plugins = plugins;

   ssomefuncitonality() {

        String objectNeedOfClass = <CLASS_NAME>;

Here can see all the object in the list, but how can I fetch the perticular object of the provided class Name.

Andreas :

Iterate the list and check the class name:

Optional<Plugin> plugin =
        .filter(p -> p.getClass().getSimpleName().equals(objectNeedOfClass))

If plugins can be large and you do this often, build a map in the constructor:

private Map<String, Plugin> plugins

public MyCon(List<Plugin> plugins) {
    this.plugins =
            p -> p.getClass().getSimpleName(), Function.identity()));

ssomefuncitonality() {
    String objectNeedOfClass = ...;
    Plugin plugin = this.plugins.get(objectNeedOfClass);

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