How can I get the current Leaflet map zoom level?


I'm trying to get the zoom level of a map in real time to make a button that locks the zoom with the current value. I have tried using getMapZoom and getZoom but both give me an undefined value. I think I'm not using the correct ref but I haven't been able to find much documentation about it. Here's the code:

<Map className="map-layer" 
          onzoomend={console.log('Zoom: ' + this.mapRef.leafletElement.getMapZoom())}
          scrollWheelZoom={this.state.zoomLock ? false : true}
          doubleClickZoom={this.state.zoomLock ? false : true}
          touchZoom={this.state.zoomLock ? false : true}


In pure leaflet if you defined map as const map ="map", options) than you just call map.getZoom().

In constructor this.mapRef = React.createRef() In Map element:

    onzoomend={() => console.log(this.mapRef.current.leafletElement.getZoom()}

Collected from the Internet

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