How to check if bot has higher role than mentioned user

Just RedX

I'm making a bot that's gonna have a few moderator commands. I need to check if the bot has a higher role than the tagged user.

My code:

        let mentionedRole = message.mentions.members.first().roles.highest
        let botRole = client.user.roles.highest

        if (mentionedRole.position > botRole.position) {
  `I dont have access to mute this member.${}`)

The error shown:

let botRole = client.user.roles.highest

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'highest')


So this (at least in my own opinion) would I think be easier, I would do this:

if (!message.mentions.members.first().manageable) {
    // above if statement determines whether the client user is above this user in the hierarchy, according to role position and guild ownership.`I dont have access to mute this member.${}`)


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