Improve speed of pandas boolean indexing

jim basquiat

Using the boolean indexing with a sample data worked fine, but as I increased the size of the data, the computing time is getting exponentially long (example below). Anyone knows a way to increase the speed of that particular boolean indexer ?

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
a = pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31',freq = '1T')
b = np.random.normal(size = len(a), loc = 50)
c = pd.DataFrame(index = a, data = b, columns = ['price'])

1500 rows:

z = c.head(1500)
z[ x : 8 <= x.hour <= 16 ) & x : x.weekday() < 5 )]

CPU times: user 149 ms, sys: 8.71 ms, total: 158 ms Wall time: 157 ms

5000 rows:

z = c.head(5000)
z[ x : 8 <= x.hour <= 16 ) & x : x.weekday() < 5 )]

CPU times: user 14.1 s, sys: 9.07 s, total: 23.2 s Wall time: 23.2 s

I tried with z = c.head(10000) but it's taking more than 15 minutes to comput so i stopped... The size of the data I want to use that indexer on is about 30000 rows.

Willem Van Onsem

The reason this does not work fast is because you perform a mapping with a lambda expression, so that means that for each item, a function call will be made. This is typically not a good idea if you want to process data in "bulk". You can speed this up with:

hour = z.index.hour
z[(8 <= hour) & (hour <= 16) & (z.index.weekday < 5)]

With z = c (so a total of 524'161 rows), we get the following timings:

>>> z = c
>>> timeit(lambda: z[(8 <= z.index.hour) & (z.index.hour <= 16) & (z.index.weekday < 5)], number=100)

So this runs in a total of ~118 milliseconds per run.

When we use the first 5'000 rows, we get:

>>> z = c.head(5000)
>>> timeit(lambda: z[(8 <= z.index.hour) & (z.index.hour <= 16) & (z.index.weekday < 5)], number=100)

So this runs in 1.5 milliseconds per run.

Collected from the Internet

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