Python custom module and import


I am following this example on how to package a python module. But installing my built package with pip, when I tried to use it, while the following works.

from towel_stuff import towel_utils

x = towel_utils.has_towel()

And this also works,

import towel_stuff.towel_utils

x = towel_stuff.towel_utils.has_towel()

I don't understand, why the following doesn't work.

import towel_stuff

x = towel_stuff.towel_utils.has_towel()

Normally, for example if we want to use os.path, we don't need to write import os.path, but just import os is enough. So, with my built package, why do I have to give the full package path?

Of course I can use from towel_stuff import * to import everything, but was just curious why we don't need to give the full path for standard packages.


Given the following structure:


When you use import towel_stuff, the only file executed is, so if you haven't imported towel_utils in, it is not accessible at all.

So in short, when you use import a_module, you are and only are executing the file in that module directory. If you want to access the a_module.file, you need to explicitly import it.

When you use import a_file, you are executing that file, as path is just a variable of os, so you can access it like os.path.

So the difference is, path is a variable in os while towel_utils is a submodule in towel_stuff. Or let's say path is an imported module in os which makes it become a variable.

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