How to close path of two parallel quadratic Bezier curves where each starts with a MoveTo tag

amachree tamunoemi

I am implementing Sankey Diagram from scratch with using VueJS and SVG, I am now faced with difficulties to close paths of two parallel quadratic Bezier curve paths from nodes to nodes.

Where for example through additional calculations I obtained the following paths

path_1 = "M 35 20.39692701664535 q 162.53571428571428 0 325.07142857142856 64.01601512483994"

path_2 = "M 35 107.65044814340591 q 162.53571428571428 0 325.07142857142856 64.01601512483994"

The paths are combined this way, thinking it will work but it fails

 <template v-for="(point,index) in sankeyNode">
  <template v-for="(pnode, idex) in Object.entries(point)">
   <template v-for="(paths,idx) in pnode[1].paths" v-if="pnode[1].hasOwnProperty('paths')">
    <g style="stroke-width:1;"  stroke="black" fill="pink" :stroke-opacity="0.3">
     <path :d="paths[0]+' '+paths[1]+' Z'" />

These two paths are parallel to each other but I would love to make them a close path so that I can fill the combined paths and would look like the image below

enter image description here

Currently when the paths are combined it looks this way

enter image description here

I have tried the following with using the image below for illustration

enter image description here

Now when I get to "Point A" which is end of Path2, I tried to add a Vertical lineto to "Point B" so that from "Point B" I can form a Quadratic Bezier curve to "Point E" and close the path of CABE and also do the same for Path1 by adding a Vertical lineto from "Point C to E" then from point E formed a Quadratic Bezier curve to Point F and close the path of GCEF.

My attempt didn't work and I am rereading the SVG docs to find a clue on how to solve this..

Please I need someone to give me a clue on how to solve this problem. Thanks


Since both paths begin to the left I had to reverse the second path so that it begins from the right. Next I joined the 2 d attributes for the paths and replaced the M command of the second path with L (line). Also I've closed the path by adding the z command at the end. I hope this is what you need.

<svg viewBox="0 0 400 200">

<path d = "M 35 20.39692701664535 q 162.53571428571428 0 325.07142857142856 64.01601512483994
           L360.07142857142856,171.66646326824585Q197.53571428571428,107.65044814340591 35,107.65044814340591


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