Read multiple csv files (and skip 2 columns in each csv file) into one dataframe in R?


I have a folder of about 100 csv files and I want to read them into one dataframe in R. I kind of know how to do this but I have to skip the first two columns in every csv file and that is the part I am stuck on. My code so far is:

myfiles <- list.files(pattern = ".csv") # create a list of all csv files in the directory
data_csv <- ldply(myfiles, read.csv)

Thank you for any help

Matt Summersgill

Using the data.table package functions fread() and rbindlist() will provide the result you're after faster than any of the other base or tidyverse alternatives.


## Create a list of the files
FileList <- list.files(pattern = ".csv")

## Pre-allocate a list to store all of the results of reading
## so that we aren't re-copying the list for each iteration
DTList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(FileList))

## Read in all the files, excluding the first two columns
for(i %in% seq_along(DTList)) {
  DTList[[i]] <- data.table::fread(FileList[[i]], drop = c(1,2))

## Combine the results into a single data.table
DT <- data.table::rbindlist(DTList)

## Optionally, convert the data.table to a data.frame to match requested result
## Though I would recommend looking into using data.table instead!

Collected from the Internet

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