What is the best way to use observables for http requests in angular?


I have got an Angular app that gets data from APIs. So first my code for detail.component.ts looked kind of like this:

this.http.get(url1).subscribe(data1 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/

this.http.get(url2).subscribe(data2 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/

this.http.get(url3).subscribe(data3 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/
})//closing third subscribe form

})//closing second subscribe form
})//closing first subscribe form

As you can see, because of nesting all these calls inside each other, the more calls I will have in the future, the messier it all will get. I did some research and got the idea that observables might solve the problem. So I changed the code and this is how it looks like now - data.service.ts:

{this.data1 = this.http.get(this.url1)
return this.data1;}

{this.data2 = this.http.get(this.url2)
return this.data2;}

{this.data3 = this.http.get(this.url3)
return this.data3;}


this.dataService.getData1().subscribe(data1 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/

this.dataService.getData2().subscribe(data2 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/

this.dataService.getData3().subscribe(data3 => 
{/*code: apply certain filter to get a filtered array out*/
})//closing third subscribe form

})//closing second subscribe form
})//closing first subscribe form

Data1 must be executed first because Data2 and Data3 need information of the filtered Array from Data1. This is why I struggled to apply solutions like forkJoin. So my question is, if this is a good solution or if you know of a better way to make the code less messy and keep the functionality?


You could try the async await method

async ngOnInit() {
    const data1 = await this.dataService.getData1().toPromise();
    // apply certain filter to get a filtered array out

    const data2 = await this.dataService.getData2().toPromise();
    // apply certain filter to get a filtered array out

    const data3 = await this.dataService.getData3().toPromise();
    // apply certain filter to get a filtered array out

You could also try merge map

  map((data1) => {
    // code: filter data here
    return data1;
  mergeMap((data1) => {
.subscribe((finalData) => {

Or concatMap

    tap(data1 => console.log(data1)),
    concatMap((data1) => {
    tap(data2 => console.log(data2)),
    concatMap((data2) => {
    tap(data3 => console.log(data3)),
  .subscribe(result => {

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