Inserting data from <option> to Database in Laravel 5.8

Muqsith Arsyad

I'm trying to insert data into a database with an option menu.

<select class="form-control" name="tim">
    @foreach ($tim as $t)
        <option value="{{ $t->id }}">{{ $t->name }}</option>

and this the controller

$data=new Modelverif();

how to input database with option menu with array?

Vikas Katariya


   <select class="form-control" name="tim">
      @foreach ($tim as $t)
      <option value="{{ $t->id }}">{{ $t->name }}</option>

the controller

$data=new Modelverif();
$data->$id_pegawai=$request->tim;  //Or $data->$id_pegawai= $request->input('tim'); 

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