Special Stacked Bar Chart R ggplot

Shehroz Malik

Can you help me make the following bar chart in R? I have some simplified dummy data that i am using to recreate, and then my plan is to manipulate the data in the same way. No need to do the abline. The most important parts are the waterfall aspect.

   ï..labels value
1      start   100
2   january    120
3    febuary   140
4      march   160
5      april   180
6        may   130
7       june   140
8       july   170
9     august   160
10 september   180
11   october   190
12  november   210
13  december   200
14       end   200

enter image description here


This gets you the waterfall effect:


df <- 
    ~month, ~month_name, ~value,
     1,     "start", 100,
     2,   "january", 120,
     3,   "febuary", 140,
     4,     "march", 160,
     5,     "april", 180,
     6,       "may", 130,
     7,      "june", 140,
     8,      "july", 170,
     9,    "august", 160,
    10, "september", 180,
    11,   "october", 190,
    12,  "november", 210,
    13,  "december", 200,
    14,       "end", 200
  ) %>% 
    type = case_when(
      month == min(month) ~ "Initial",
      month == max(month) ~ "Final",
      value > lag(value) ~ "Increase",
      TRUE ~ "Decrease"
    finish = value,
    start = if_else(month == max(month), 0, replace_na(lag(value), 0))

df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(xmin = month - 0.3, xmax = month + 0.3, ymin = start, ymax = finish, fill = type)) +
  geom_rect() +
    breaks = 1:14,
    labels = df %>% select(month_name) %>% pull()
  ) +
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    legend.position = "none"

You should be able to take care of the formatting and colors from here ;)

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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