Genericize method to encode a `Codable` protocol

import Foundation

protocol ProtocolA: Codable {
    var var1: String { get }

struct Type1: ProtocolA {
    var var1: String
    var var2: Int

struct Type2: ProtocolA {
    var var1: String
    var var2: Bool

func encode<T: ProtocolA & Encodable>(object: T) throws -> Data {
    return try JSONEncoder().encode(object as! T.Type)

Putting the above in a playground results in error: argument type 'T.Type' does not conform to expected type 'Encodable'

Why does this happen when I am saying that T has to conform to Encodable?

Rob Napier
return try JSONEncoder().encode(object as! T.Type)

This means to convert object to the metatype of T. The type of the type. For example, 1 is an Int. But "Int" itself has a type, which is Int.Type, which is a metatype. Metatypes do not conform to Encodable.

You meant:

return try JSONEncoder().encode(object as! T)

But you really just meant:

return try JSONEncoder().encode(object)

since object is always of type T. That's its explicit type from the function signature. Since you also don't rely on ProtocolA for this algorithm, this all boils down to:

func encode<T: Encodable>(object: T) throws -> Data {
    return try JSONEncoder().encode(object)

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