Issue with query results from an SQL join question. Basic Question

Ian Murray

I have two tables, with the below layouts





I'm attempting to "List the names of those who do not like beer" from the above two tables, using just JOINS (I'm not allowed to use Subqueries).

The below code works fine if I change the WHERE clause to equals beer. It results in the two people who like beer.

But when I attempt to change it to those who don't like beer (it's not a real table, everybody likes beer ;)), the issue is it removes the exact row where the food preference is equal to beer. But the person who has other preferences like "pizza" but likes beer is still included.

The query is removing the relevant row for beer but not all the other rows related to this person.

How can I fix this without using a subquery?

    p1.first_name, p1.last_name,, l1.person_id

    persons AS p1
    JOIN likes AS l1
        ON p1.person_id = l1.person_id

WHERE <> "Beer"

For example, Aoife likes beer but also likes pizza. I want Aoife to be removed fully from the query results as she likes beer.


List the names of those who do not like beer

You can use the LEFT JOIN antipattern:

SELECT p1.first_name, p1.last_name
FROM persons AS p1 
LEFT JOIN likes AS l1 ON p1.person_id = l1.person_id AND = 'Beer'
WHERE l1.person_id IS NULL

This attempts to join the each person with a record in likes with food = 'Beer', and then filters on non-matching records only.

Another option is to use a not exists condition with a correlated subquery:

SELECT p1.first_name, p1.last_name
FROM persons AS p1 
    SELECT 1
    FROM likes l1
    WHERE p1.person_id = l1.person_id AND = 'Beer'

Collected from the Internet

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