Travis CI - Swift Package Manage - checkout already exists?

Joe Susnick

Attempting to setup a sample project within a project that is configured to use Swift Package Manager and getting a strange error.

Project Structure:

    - Package.swift
        - etc...
        - MySampleProject/

Swift Package Repository Setup:

MySampleProject is set up to use a local Swift package that should exist in the travis job:

file:///Users/travis/build/MyProject/MyProject <- pointed to branch: HEAD

Travis build command:

The travis script cd's into Sample/MySampleProject and runs:

xcodebuild clean build -target MySampleProject -sdk iphonesimulator


During the run, travis is claiming the checkout of the package already exists.

From the logs:

Resolve Package Graph

Fetching /Users/travis/build/<namespace>/MyProject

Cloning /Users/travis/build/<namespace>/MyProject

xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies:

  An unknown error occurred. '/Users/travis/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MySampleProject-agdvdspgtwakvignsmkkrkoxijnm/SourcePackages/checkouts/MyProject' exists and is not an empty directory (-4)

This works locally. Why would the checkout already be present in derived data for the travis builds? I'm not running any special commands to modify anything regarding SPM.

Joe Susnick

Two things to realize:

  1. The error message is very misleading. You will get this error message if there is not actually a commit to pull.

  2. A coworker pointed out that Travis is actually using refs/pull/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST/merge for the value of $TRAVIS_COMMIT

Full solution:

Find the object in the plist that corresponds to XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference You can find this by opening YourProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj in a text editor and searching for XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference. Grab the ID since you'll need to hardcode it in your build step.

Note: You'll need to update this if you remove and re-add the package.

Next use PlistBuddy to update the branch to be the merge ref for the pull request.

    echo "Updating project file to point to merge commit at: refs/pull/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST/merge"
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy \
        -c "set :objects:F4CEA53E23C29C9E0086EB16:requirement:branch refs/pull/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST/merge" \

    # Redirecting to /dev/null because we only care about errors here and the full output drowns Travis
    xcodebuild build -scheme YourScheme \
      -sdk iphonesimulator > /dev/null

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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