How do I convert two DataFrame columns into summed Series?


I have a pandas DataFrame that looks like this:

              date  sku  qty
0       2015-10-30  ABC    1
1       2015-10-30  DEF    1
2       2015-10-30  ABC    2
3       2015-10-31  DEF    1
4       2015-10-31  ABC    1
...            ...  ...  ...

How can extract all of the data for a particular sku and sum up the qty by date. For example, the ABC SKU?

2015-10-30   3
2015-10-31   1
       ... ...

The closest I've gotten is a hierarchal grouping with sales.groupby(['date', 'sku']).sum().

Quang Hoang

If you will work with all (or several) sku, then:

agg_df = df.groupby(['sku','date']).qty.sum()

# extract some sku data


2015-10-30    3
2015-10-31    1
Name: qty, dtype: int64

If you only care for ABC particularly, then it's better to filter it first


The output would be the same as above.

Collected from the Internet

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