How do I "interpret" escaped characters in a string?


I want to process a string containing a backslash followed by an escapable character as if they were one character.

let raw = r#"\""#;
let cooked = raw.process_escape_character_magic();

Right now, raw has 2 characters: \ and ". But what I actually want is cooked, which only has one character: ".

How do I get cooked?

I was thinking about using regex, but I feel like there should probably be a better way.


I like using iterators in Rust, and I think that's a perfect usecase:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum MyError {

struct InterpretEscapedString<'a> {
    s: std::str::Chars<'a>,

impl<'a> Iterator for InterpretEscapedString<'a> {
    type Item = Result<char, MyError>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|c| match c {
            '\\' => match {
                None => Err(MyError::EscapeAtEndOfString),
                Some('n') => Ok('\n'),
                Some('\\') => Ok('\\'),
                // etc.
                Some(c) => Err(MyError::InvalidEscapedChar(c)),
            c => Ok(c),

fn interpret_escaped_string(s: &str) -> Result<String, MyError> {
    (InterpretEscapedString { s: s.chars() }).collect()

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#""#), Ok("".into()));
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#"a"#), Ok("a".into()));
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#"\"#), Err(MyError::EscapeAtEndOfString));
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#"\\"#), Ok("\\".into()));
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#"a\n"#), Ok("a\n".into()));
    assert_eq!(interpret_escaped_string(r#"a\."#), Err(MyError::InvalidEscapedChar('.')));

More complete implementation of such a module in the playground.

Collected from the Internet

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