After submitting simple_form i get a blank page in show view


I have created a simple form, the user click on three items and press submit and an email is being send, all of this works. However, when i test it and check the show page, it doesn't show any entered details which were selected by the user, just a blank page.i don't receive any errors.


class PositionsController < ApplicationController

  def new
    @position =

  def show
    @position = Position.find(params[:id])

  def create
    @position =
      render :new

  private def position_params
    params.permit(:date, :time, :activity)


<div class="form">
  <%= simple_form_for @position  do |f| %>
    <div class= "trip">
        <div class="trip-text">
          Trip number
        <div class="trip-field">
          <%= f.input :tripnumber, label: false, placeholder: 'enter here' %>
    <div class= "activity">
      <div class="activity-text">
      <div class="activity-field">
        <%= f.input :activity, label: false, collection: [['Sailing to loadport, expected arrival', 'Sailing to loadport, expected arrival'], ['Sailing to discharge port, expected arrival', 'Sailing to discharge port, expected arrival'],
          ['Loading untill', 'Loading untill'], ['Discharging untill', 'Discharging untill'], ['Waiting for loading, expect to start', 'Waiting for loading, expect to start'], ['Waiting for discharge, expect to start', 'Waiting for discharge, expect to start']] %>
    <div class="date">
      <div class="date-text">
      <div class="date-field">
        <%= f.date_field :date, class: 'form-control' %>
    <div class="time">
      <div class="time-text">
      <div class="time-field">
        <%= f.time_field :time, value: "%H:%M", min: 'hh:mm:ss', max: 'hh:mm:ss' %>
  <%= f.submit "Send update", class: "submit"%>

Since i have no error and all works fine except i dont have the input of the users i dont know where to look, i looked in the forum and on google but no succes

Rajdeep Singh

In create action, add redirect_to @position

  redirect_to @position
  render :new

Hope that helps!

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