How do I display true if the member variable is off, without changing the type from void to boolean?


I want to print true, in the main method, if the member variable is off. How do I do this without changing the types from void to boolean as off needs to remain void.

The code for the SmartDevice class is here

public class SmartDevice extends Device {

    private boolean member;

    public SmartDevice() {


    public void on() {


    public void off() {


The code where I need the tweek,

public class TestDevice {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

       //smart device
        SmartDevice smartDevice = new SmartDevice();

        //up casting
        Device upCastedSmartDevice = new SmartDevice();

        //down casting
        Device device = new SmartDevice();
        SmartDevice downCastedSmartDevice = (SmartDevice) device;

        //call methods

        //passing devices into switch methods

        //smart device

        //down casted smart device

        //up casted smart device

There are multiple possibilities to achieve a solution for that problem. 1. Add a Method e.g. isOn in your SmartDevice class (recommended)

public boolean isOn() {
  return member;
  1. If you really don't want to modify your SmartDevice class, you could use Reflection. But this does indeed break the contract of your OOP design so I would strongly dissuade doing that.

  2. Print true in your SmartDevice after method off() is being called.

Collected from the Internet

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