How to drop columns based on multiple filters in a dataframe using PySpark?

Aviral Srivastava

I have a list of valid values that a cell can have. If one cell in a column is invalid, I need to drop the whole column. I understand there are answers of dropping rows in a particular column but here I am dropping the whole column instead even if one cell in it is invalid. The conditions for valid/invalid are that a cell can have only three values: ['Messi', 'Ronaldo', 'Virgil']

I tried reading about filtering but all I could see was filtering columns and dropping the rows. For instance in this question. I also read that one should avoid too much scanning and shuffling in Spark, which I agree with.

I am not only looking at the code solution but more on the off-the-shelf code provided from PySpark. I hope it doesn't get out of the scope of a SO answer.

For the following input dataframe:

| Column 1      | Column 2      | Column 3      | Column 4      | Column 5      |
| --------------| --------------| --------------| --------------| --------------|
|  Ronaldo      | Salah         |  Messi        |               |Salah          |
|  Ronaldo      | Messi         |  Virgil       |  Messi        | null          |
|  Ronaldo      | Ronaldo       |  Messi        |  Ronaldo      | null          |

I expect the following output:

| Column 1      | Column 2      |
| --------------| --------------| 
|  Ronaldo      | Messi         |
|  Ronaldo      | Virgil        |
|  Ronaldo      | Messi         |

I am not only looking at the code solution but more on the off-the-shelf code provided from PySpark.

Unfortunately, Spark is designed to operate in parallel on a row-by-row basis. Filtering out columns is not something for which there will be an "off-the-shelf code" solution.

Nevertheless, here is one approach you can take:

First collect the counts of the invalid elements in each column.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, sum as _sum, when

valid = ['Messi', 'Ronaldo', 'Virgil']
invalid_counts =
    *[_sum(when(col(c).isin(valid), lit(0)).otherwise(lit(1))).alias(c) for c in df.columns]
#[Row(Column 1=0, Column 2=1, Column 3=0, Column 4=1, Column 5=3)]

This output will be a list with only one element. You can iterate over the items in this element to find the columns to keep.

valid_columns = [k for k,v in invalid_counts[0].asDict().items() if v == 0]
#['Column 3', 'Column 1']

Now just select these columns from your original DataFrame. You can first sort valid_columns using list.index if you want to maintain the original column order.

valid_columns = sorted(valid_columns, key=df.columns.index)
#|Column 1|Column 3|
#| Ronaldo|   Messi|
#| Ronaldo|  Virgil|
#| Ronaldo|   Messi|

Collected from the Internet

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